Thursday, July 8, 2010

A favorite Etsy shop- Lonkoosh

Lonkoosh is an amazing shop of beautifully crafted jewelry, made primarily from vintage findings. They are so unique that you can wear one of these pieces as a piece of clothing. You will definitely make a statement with one of Alona's creations.
You can choose between various color schemes, all made with the highest taste levels.
I purchased two of her necklaces and am a bit sorry I didn't own one to wear as a bride. This is her etsy shop

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fabric Shopping

This is the “fabric district” in Tel Aviv. You can find most of the fabrics here, whether it is luxury fabrics for evening and wedding gowns or casual materials for everyday clothes.
On Tuesday and Friday this street is filled with artists who come to showcase and sell their creations.
It is a lovely get-together of artists, colors, arts and it is full of energy. You feel it the minute you walk inside.
Fabric shopping on either Tuesday or Friday is a brave task because it is is much more crowded than usual.
But I had to look around in search of some purple fabric and took advantage of the event to take some new pictures.

When I was a teenager I used to hang out here almost every Friday and for some reason, even though there were the same artists here week after week, it didn’t get old. Well until it did I guess …

You can see one of the more luxurious fabric stores. They do some crazy things on the manikins. I love it!!

well, I didn’t find the purple I was looking for but it was nice to get out of the house for a bit. I did find those lovely lace trims I hope to make something pretty from. Have a great week!